911 Data Maintenance
At GIS1, we can create and maintain 911 data for use in county 911 centers. This includes road centerlines for all roads as well as address points on top of each structure with an address. This data is created and maintained to Next Generation 911 standards, ensuring it can be used in the 911 center for years to come.
We also offer an address assignment service where we handle the assignment of new addresses (including subdivisions) from start to finish. We use the road centerlines and address points that we maintain for the 911 center to accurately assign addresses for new structures that make sense with the existing addresses and, when possible, ensure that there is a consistent number of “feet per address”. This makes it a lot easier to find addresses in the event of an emergency.
We also follow whatever guidelines the county has for which structures get addressed and which do not.
When someone in the county is ready to build, all they have to do is go to requestmyaddress.com, select their county, and fill out our form to the best of their ability. We receive the form, contact the customer to gather any information that we need, and then assign the address. Once their address is assigned, we notify the customer and send an email with the new address to any county officials who wish to be notified. Finally, we make sure that roads and addresses on county websites are up to date by sending updates on a regular basis. When the 911 center is ready for an update, we provide an up to date copy of the data for use in their CAD system.